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In these posts and videos, I’ll be sharing our experiences in life, our journey into the supernatural, my music, my books, our upcoming movie, and many of the things we’ve experienced in our travels around the country and with the tour over the years.

Each one of us has a God-Given Destiny & Purpose for living where we are and in this generation. We each have different talents and gifts placed in us that will help us fulfill our destiny and purpose, if we can find it. Psalm 139 says that we each have a book in heaven written by Father of His wonderful plans and dreams for our life. There is also a way to access this book so that we can live our lives in peace and total enjoy the wonderful journey. I’ll be sharing more on this as well in upcoming episodes.

I have written over 400 songs since 1988 and have released 3 new albums since May 2020, DARE TO DREAM, WE ARE AMERICAN, & SOMEBODY’S HERO. You can find them on my website, Rumble, YouTube and 38 Streaming Services. We filmed most of the lyric and music videos from these albums in the beautiful trails and scenic areas of Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Pikes Peak, Garden Of The Gods, Pulpit Rock, Palmer Lake, Gold Camp Road, 7 Bridges Trail, Helen Hunt Falls and more. Enjoy the music as you watch the awesome beauty that’s there. Perhaps it’ll inspire you to take a trip there as well and discover it for yourself.

I’ll be sharing excerpts and stories from my 9 books as well. SENTENCED TO DEATH DESTINED FOR LIFE is my wife’s incredible biography of so many miracles that I wrote and we are currently pursuing the Movie Project for the book. Find out how you can get involved and be a part of that. Check out the GoFundMe project and see how you can get your own Autographed, Special Limited Edition Color Biography of her story.

My 5 Book Saga, ISLANDS IN THE SEA, romantic, prophetic, mystery, thriller and supernatural series has a lot of spiritual revelations in a fictitious story of two cities, one rising while the other is crumbling.

I also have a self-help/group study book on how to discover and live our God-Given Dreams, DREAMER’S INK. I wrote this book because of the high rate of suicide and depression in our country. We live in the land of dreams, yet so many are taking their own lives too soon. My first book is an allegory of the two paths in life, DESTINY PATH OF LIFE.

I created this show, if you will, to really help folks in a way that I can’t from the stage on the tour. I write my music to encourage and challenge folks to keep going, to not give up, and to win. We can help each other. In these videos, it is my hope that I can share some of my stories in order to help even more. I try to be as transparent as I can by sharing my challenges too and how I made it through to where we are now.

Life is a Journey and we’ve had so many Miracles along our path, perhaps you can too. It is my hope that this show blesses and encourages you greatly. Thank you for being a part of my community and if you can help support it, I truly appreciate it.

Joseph James

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  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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